Friday, March 28, 2014

Day 5 of 26

It's day 5 and I can officially say my digestive system went from barely working to a well oiled machine.  You cannot know how happy this makes me.

This morning when I looked in the mirror I realized my stomach is back to being my favourite body part, and all of this in 5 days.  5 days eating the same amount of food I normally eat, just different food.  This is by no means a diet and I haven't felt hungry since I started. I've had cravings for sweets, and I'm pretty sure I dreamt about croissants last night, but I haven't been hungry.

It's funny that I'm in this good a mood because I woke up with the start of a gross cold, and stayed home from work.  Staying home from work doesn't really mean much, because if I manage to turn off the TV I get more work done if anything.

I do wonder though, if I'm doing myself a big disservice by not cutting out caffeine.  This morning I had an alright french press from home, but without the intense caffeine of a double Americano, I'm starting to get a tell tale caffeine withdrawal headache.

Breakfast With a sore throat and sinus headache I wasn't very hungry so I had corn cakes (rice cake style) with natural peanut butter and a banana.  A note on bananas - I really like them but never allow myself to eat them because they always caused me to get constipated.  Not anymore!
Lunch Leftovers
Dinner Went to African Palace for Ethiopian.  Ethiopian curries are served with a "bread" called Injera, which is kinda of like a spongy foam.  Doesn't sound that appetizing but it's pretty cool, it holds together really well so it's a great intro food for people who aren't used to eating with their hands.  It's not made of wheat, but of teff flour which is gluten free.

Here's a video of African Palace creating their Injera

Overall Okay day food wise.  Starting to think I'm not crazy for doing this, but also starting to get terrified I might be gluten intolerant.  

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